Larry Fish is a Southern California native, born and raised in the San Fernando Valley. He spent much of his life living in South America and Southeast Asia, working as a building contractor and plumber to rehabilitate underserved areas destroyed by natural disasters — tsunamis, earthquakes, landslides, etc.

Over 30 years of experience in countless conditions within the plumbing and construction industries familiarized him with the need for non-invasive leak detection, as many other “techniques” were tedious, time-consuming, and too destructive. He has since moved back to Southern California, and Fisheye Leak Detection was born.

We’re dedicated to pairing cutting-edge technology with good-natured, transparent service in order to pinpoint leaks & anomalies in your utilities systems before they result in destructive damage to your home or business.

We are based in Santa Barbara and serve the greater Southern California region. If you’re concerned about a potential leak in your home or simply have questions about our services, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.